With medieval flair, the valiant chess pieces gamble for victory or the grave in this re-enchantment of the actual “Chess Game of the Century''. *artwork concept using Midjourney AI
With medieval flair, the valiant chess pieces gamble for victory or the grave in this re-enchantment of the actual “Chess Game of the Century''. *artwork concept using Midjourney AI
Waking from her dreams, Lexi never wants play time to end, but with an imagination like hers, perhaps it never will.
Bubble bursts with bravery on her first day of school. She’ll never cry in class! When homesickness hits and her courage fails, she must find her way to stay afloat.
Buddy understands so much about his world, but not what “new baby” means. He must solve the mystery before the baby comes and makes Buddy an official big brother.
Gwen and Tempus - The Time Machine Saga
In 3009, two years after a deadly meteor storm, Gwen feels as if she is spiraling into an emotional black hole. With the help of Tempus and the Time Machine, she must venture further into the dark to find the light.*artwork concept using Midjourney AI
When the ugly duckling finds an uglier duckling...